Fiat 131 abarth. - Geistdörfer C.

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Fiat 131 abarth. ITV vigente hasta noviembre de 2025.

Fiat 131 abarth 00 mm de largo, 1720. Fiche technique Fiat 131 Abarth Rally (1976-1982) Catégorie: Course/Rallye/Enduro: Années de production: 1976-1982: Énergie: Essence: Présentation du modèle, précisions, informations complémentaires. In der Saison 1980 wurde Walter Röhrl mit dem Fiat 131 Abarth Rally das erste Mal Rallye-Weltmeister. Entwickelt wurde das Auto von Fiat in Zusammenarbeit mit Abarth und der Carrozzeria The 1978 Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Stradale is a milestone in the motorsport world of the 1970s. 113 PS (83 kW) 8048 Zürich, Zürich. Spotlight. El Fiat 131 es un modelo de los segmentos C y D producido por el fabricante italiano Fiat desde 1974 a 1984 y presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Turín de 1974. Fiat 131 Volumetrico Abarth. Motor de cuatro cilindros, doble árbol de levas, 16 válvulas e All models of Fiat 131 Abarth 1:43. Su corazón preparado por los técnicos de Abarth rendía inicialmente 215cv , potencia que aumentaba más adelante y se convertían en 240cv al adaptar el sistema de inyección mecánica Kugelfisher. Classic Driver; Login; Register; Forgot password; User; Dashboard; Account; 1976 Fiat 131 - ABARTH RALLY (Targa Torino) USD 204 630. 00 mm, este modelo incluye un eje delantero de 1461. - Kivimäki I. € 238. 1; 2; Fiat 131 Abarth Int. Elle Fiat 131 Abarth oli hyvin menestynyt kilpa-autoversio 131:stä, jolla ajettiin voittoon MM-ralleissa vuosina 1977, 1978 ja 1980. 4L Benzin. La nueva y gran apuesta de la casa italiana para los rallys, el FIAT 131 Abarth. 0L I4引擎 输出140hp 在70年代末 80年代初可能还算是可以的 毕竟刚过了石油危机 拿不出特别强力的引擎 而且拉力赛也用不着太大力的引擎 满改后有431hp 说实话 太低了 今天我们要来看一台特别的车,这台既凶猛又可爱的大方黄盒子---FIAT 131 Abarth。这款车型诞生于1970年代,是一款专为拉力赛打造的经典汽车。其搭载了2. Der Fiat 131 Abarth Rally wurde in Kooperation mit Bertone in 400 Exemplaren gebaut. 1:43 1976 Fiat 131 Abarth This vehicle has a 2 door saloon (sedan) body style styled by Bertone/Abarth with a front positioned engine delivering power to the rear wheels. Bertone gebruikte half afgebouwde tweedeurs carrosserieën van de productielijn van de fabriek in Mirafiori Caratteristiche Principali della FIAT 131. Cu acest model, Markku Alén a câștigat Cupa FIA pentru Piloți în 1978, iar Walter Röhrl a obținut titlul mondial al piloților în 1980. Fiat joined the International Championship for Manufacturers in Als sportliche Anpassung der Familienlimousine 131 Mirafiori entstanden, löste er den 124 Abarth Rally als offizielles Fahrzeug des Fiat-Rennstalls ab. 400 kpl, ja näistä n. Asking price. 2200cc · Benzina · 1. All items have Preisbewertet von AutoUncle Gebrauchtwagen angebote aus 7 seiten Fiat 131 Abarth in der Schweiz gebraucht kaufen Preisbewertung seit 2010. it Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Stradale 1976. Fiat 131 ABARTH. Oldtimer. 1977 Fiat 131 Abarth Gruppo 4. And while it took only 极限竞速地平线4 车辆测评——Abarth Fiat 131. Fiat 131 esiteltiin syksyllä 1974 kaksi- ja neliovisina sedaneina sekä Familiare FIAT 131 ABARTH RALLYCORSA . La versione Abarth Rally della Fiat 131 nacque dall’esigenza di sostituire la longeva 124 Abarth Rally, che all’inizio degli anni Settanta era arrivata alla fine della sua carriera La storia della Fiat 131 è totalmente legata al suo lato sportivo, con la sua versione Fiat 131 Abarth Rally. Altrettanto bella, ma più ignorante, la 131 Racing Volumetrico Abarth derivante dalla Racing 2000/TC Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Tribute - Full Restoration. In 1976, Fiat, Abarth and Bertone collaborated to produce a batch of 131 Abarth Rallys, 400 of which were manufactured to qualify for homologation into the Group 4 En Noviembre de 2004, iniciamos el proyecto de restauración FIAT 131 ABARTH En este blog publicaremos imagenes que describirán todo el proceso desde el momento en que compramos el carro hasta su Its victories in international events only served to bolster the reputation of the most successful Fiat Abarth model ever, earning it the nickname "the indestructible 131". 00 mm y un eje trasero de 1456. Vuonna 1976 Geneven autonäyttelyssä esitellystä 131 Abarthista esiteltiin myös luokittelu-katuversio, 131 Abarth Stradale , rallia varten, joiden kokonaisvalmistusmäärä on n. Nacional con matrícula de provincias. Get all the Info. Benzin. 00 mm de ancho y tiene 1360. 3: fiat abarth se035 gr. The engine of the Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Stradale was prepared by Abarth, the 2-litre in-line four-cylinder was fitted with a four-valve head, plus a Weber dual carburettor 34 ADF, The 131 was a very successful rally car, winning three World Rally Constructors Championships in 1977, 1978, and 1980. It’s an important piece of history, nonetheless. Motor de serie Fiat 1. With this car Markku Alen won the See more Explore the Fiat 131 Abarth 1976, 1977, 1978 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. By 1970s standards, the 131 Abarth was the On 14 August 1977 there were three Fiat 131 Abarth Diesel cars on the starting line in London: no. Die Liste der Erfolge 131 Abarth Rally group 4. 4 shape. 25,000 kilometres. the fiat 131 abarth was the queen of rallies in the late 70s after the stratos. FIAT 131 ABARTH RALLY Autori: Beppe Miliani e Mauro Parra Copertina: rigida Pagine: 492 Immagini: 700 a colori e 343 in bianco e nero Formato: 30 x 30 centimetri Editore: Saradecals Edizioni Prezzo: 85 euro Fiat 131 Abarth Gr. Madrid. Se construyó en varios países siendo mayormente producido en Italia por Fiat, FIAT Abarth 131/031 mirafiori 3500 Bertone. Pour l'homologation, 400 exemplaires seront produits et aptes à rouler sur route ouverte. Przeglądaj egzemplarze klasycznego modelu – ogłoszenia sprzedaży Fiat 131 dodane na Otoklasyki. E nasce da una concezione diametralmente opposta NUORO – Paura, nel pomeriggio, per un incidente stradale avvenuto al km 67 della SS 131 DCN dove. 3 homologado y anotado en ficha técnica. 00 mm de altura. €300,000. Espanjalainen SEAT ja puolalainen FSO valmistivat mallia lisenssillä. There are 2 Fiat 131 for sale across all model years (1974 to 1984) and variants, no Abarth Rally Race Car and none are model year 1976 . 8048 Zürich, Zürich. Die Liste der Erfolge Der Fiat 131 Abarth Rally wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Bertone in einer Auflage von 400 Stück gebaut. I have many spares I dont need, and many new parts I have produced for my Fiat 131 Abarth Group4, Ex French Fiat Works. Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Tribute - Full Restoration. pl. Händler 172 Tage. Fiat 131 Abarth Rally stradale ASI TARGA ORO. € 45 Insgesamt gewinnt der Fiat 131 Abarth für Fiat drei Hersteller-Weltmeistertitel (1977, 1978 und 1980), dies mit 18 absoluten Siegen, zwei Doppel- und fünf Dreifachsiegen. 00 mm. Fiat 131 695 Abarth 1. 55. An in-depth historical and technical appraisal of Fiat's Abarth-developed 131 Rally Group 4 homologation special of 1975-1976 Under the bonnet the strong V6 engine from the FIAT 130. 1976 Fiat 131 - ABARTH RALLY STRADALE TARGA TO. Weiter zu Autoscout24. In 1975 the factory starts the program for a shot at the En 1978, la filiale espagnole (Seat) de FIAT Italie, pour son département SEAT-Competición, acheta à sa maison mère italienne 4 voitures neuves Fiat 131 Abarth Gr. The standard 3-litre engine is modified by Abarth and raised to 3,5-litres. English Français Deutsch Svensk Português PT Español русский Italiano български Fiat - 131 RECREACION ABARTH GRUPO iV Vehículo restaurado totalmente partiendo como base un Fiat 131 tres puertas. 1:43 The Website is dedicated to two of the greatest Rally Cars, the Fiat 131 Abarth and the Lancia Rally 037. 4 fore regioni no. Fiat gewann mit dem 131 Abarth Rally in den Jahren 1977, 1978 und 1980 die Marken-Weltmeisterschaft. Italy. -55,555 km - Gear 12/1977 Gasoline 103 kW (140 hp) Stilemotori Varotto Manuele • IT-33170 Pordenone - PN. Fiat 131 Abarth Jyväskylän Suurajot - Rally of the 1000 Lakes 1976 #3 Alén M. 4 Replica. También tiene una masa/propio peso de 981 kg. The 131 as a rally car Fiat 131 Rally's precursor the 3. € 68 000,-35 497 km Boîte manuelle 12/1981 Essence 85 kW (116 CH) Carcave Évaluation par étoiles 5 sur 5 (21) Roel Geraerts • BE-3520 Zonhoven. The Fiat 131 Abarth was a very successful group 4 rally car, winning the manufacturers' World Rally Championship three times: in 1977, 1978, and in 1980. Dazu liefen in Mirafiori zweitürige Rohkarosserien vom Band, die bei Bertone mit Kunststoffteilen für vordere und hintere Kotflügel, Nasce così la Fiat 131 Abarth Rally, costruita tra il 1976 e il 1978 in quattrocento esemplari, destinata a conquistare tre Mondiali Costruttori, una Coppa Fia Piloti ed un Mondiale Piloti. 5 volumetrico competizione: 1980: 131 abarth gr. Markku Alen voitti Jyväskylän Suurajot neljä kertaa, yhden kerran hän keskeytti ulosajoon kesken kovan kamppailun voitosta Kyösti Fiat 131 Abarth Racing Volumetrico del 1981 – pubblico dominio. Zu Favoriten hinzufügen. Dez 2022. 12’990 km. Within the Fiat-Lancia empire, the 131 Abarth not only replaced the 124 Abarth Spider sports car, but was also favored ahead of the charismatic Lancia Stratos. ], благодаря которому спортивное подразделение компании Fiat трижды побеждало в чемпионате мира по MCJ ABARTH. Dirty version. Night version. Vehicles; Tracks; More . €69,000 Fiat 131 (1974-1985) The Fiat 131, renowned for its victorious Abarth variant, was part of a diverse family of models. The 131 Mirafiori served as a mid-sized sedan during the challenging 1970s, appealing to both sport enthusiasts and practical users with its versatile range of versions, including sporty variants and robust station wagons for professional or leisure FIAT 131 Volumetrico Abarth 4 Porte, un'auto tanto bella quanto rara, immatricolata nel 1982, con motore 2000 che scaturisca ben 140Cv portando quest'auto alla velocità di 190Km/h di Market FAQ: Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Stradale The accuracy of this Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Stradale is important. la 131 Abarth contesa alle aste e glorificata alle gare Looking to buy a Fiat 131? Complete your search today at Car & Classic where you will find the largest and most diverse collection of classics in Europe Auctions Classic 1977 Fiat 131 Abarth Gruppo 4. I don't know. Il sito web di riferimento per gli amanti della gloriosa Fiat 131 Abarth, foto, prove su strada, ricambi, occasioni usato Il sito web della Fiat 131 Abarth La Fiat 131 Abarth degli anni 70 Hier finden Sie aktuelle Fiat 131 abarth Gebrauchtwagen-Angebote bei AutoScout24, dem europaweit größten Online-Automarkt. Skip to main content. All items have Explore the Fiat 131 Abarth 1976, 1977, 1978 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. € 68 000,-35 497 km Manualna 12/1981 Benzyna 85 kW (116 KM) Carcave Roel Geraerts • BE-3520 Zonhoven. La Fiat infatti decide di ridurre il budget destinato al reparto corse anche perche’, nonostante le En 1978, la filiale espagnole (Seat) de FIAT Italie, pour son département SEAT-Competición, acheta à sa maison mère italienne 4 voitures neuves Fiat 131 Abarth Gr. 4 montecarlo rally no. Its history is an unusual one. Rostschutz ist (La Fiat 131 Abarth vincitrice del Mondiale Rally nel 1978) Il 1979 è un anno di transizione. 1980. - Bernacchini A. Automatikgetriebe. 4 T-Jet 180Rally Tributo. Fiat 131 Fiat 131 na Otoklasyki. Samochody zwłaszcza w barwach słynnego zespołu Fiat 131 Abarth Scheda Tecnica 1976, 1977, 1978 140 cv, Benzina, Consumi l/100, Lunghezza 419cm, Larghezza 172cm, Altezza 136cm, Peso 980kg. 5-litre Group 5 Abarth SE 031 won 1975 Giro d'Italia automobilistico. Ces voitures furent immatriculées le même jour avec les im La Fiat 131 Abarth Rally remporta 18 victoires en championnat du monde des rallyes constructeurs en 5 saisons et fut championne du monde des rallyes en 1977, 1978 et 1980 et championne 1976 Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Stradale. Making use of three 48 IDF Weber twinchoke Blakey Ridge may not be the Col de Turini, but it's the perfect landscape to test the road-going version of the Fiat 131 Abarth Rally There is 1 Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Stradale for sale right now - Follow the Market and get notified with new listings and sale prices. € Fiat 131 Abarth . Our specialists will make any necessary corrections. R. 1974 the rallycar FIAT uses in rallying is reaching it’s end. 1976 Fiat Abarth 131 Rally specs, performance data, engine specifications, pictures, updated May 2024. A homologation version of the 131 known as the Fiat 131 Abarth Fiat 131 Abarth Rally stradale ASI TARGA ORO. All models of Fiat 131 Abarth 1:43. El Fiat 131 Abarth está equipado con un motor de capacidad de FIAT Abarth 131/031 mirafiori 3500 Bertone. - Geistdörfer C. 000 chilometri · Manuale · 5 marce But then came Group B. Ce moteur à compresseur volumétrique se retrouvera sous le capot de la Lancia Beta sous toutes ses versions (Coupé, HPE, Trevi) ainsi que dans la Lancia Rally 032 (avec 200 cv). AvD/STH-Hunsrück Rallye 1979 #1 Röhrl W. Abarth版的131原厂使用一台2. The 124 Spider is no longer competative and a successor is needed. Home; Compare cars; Vehicles; Tracks; There is another 131 Abarth rally on this Fiat 131 on Fiatin vuosina 1974–1984 valmistama keskiluokan henkilöautomalli, joka korvasi Fiat 124:n. 1. FIAT-ABARTH 131 Rally Groupe 4 - On Classic Driver you will find 5 Fiat 131 cars as well as thousands of other iconic classic and performance cars. Cataluña. Created as a sport version of the 131 Mirafiori family saloon, it replaced the 124 Abarth Rally as the official car of the Fiat racing team. 2,921 Followers, 25 Following, 367 Posts - Fiat 131 ABARTH (@fiat131abarth) on Instagram: " " La Abarth mette così a punto un nuovo prototipo, la FIAT Abarth SE031, basato sulla versione a due porte della 131 berlina. Construida sobre un empato con dimensiones de 2489. 555 km - Cambio 12/1977 Benzina 103 kW (140 CV) Stilemotori Valutazione con stelle 5 su 5 (2) Varotto Manuele • IT-33170 Pordenone - PN. 131:n seuraajaksi tuli Fiat Regata. €225,000. 1:24. Classic Driver; Login; Register; Forgot password; User; Dashboard; Account; 1976 Fiat 131 - ABARTH RALLY (Targa Torino) USD 205 197. At 1974 the rallycar FIAT uses in rallying is reaching it’s end. Contrairement à la Fiat 131 II Racing Volumetrico Abarth 2 portes, celle-ci, produite en série limitée, n'existe qu'en 4 portes. Fiat 131 Abarth Acropolis Rally 1978 #7 Designer: Bertone Afin de remplacer la Fiat 124 Abarth et la Lancia Stratos, Fiat a demandé à son préparateur une version rallye de la 131. Its 2 litre engine is a naturally aspirated, double overhead camshaft, 4 cylinder that develops 137 bhp (139 PS/102 kW) of power at 6400 rpm, and maximum torque of 176 N·m (130 In 1976 werden 400 Fiat Abarth 131 Rally-auto's gemaakt voor homologatiedoeleinden. Both came from the Abarth factory and were designed to win the World Rally Championship. Derived from the competition version, it was produced in a limited series to homologate the car for Group 4 under FIA Unser Fiat 131 Abarth Rally befindet sich in einem außergewöhnlichen Originalzustand und weist eine Laufleistung von 30. Preparación y venta de productos para competición seat-fiat 124, 131 y 600 El Fiat 131 Abarth es de 4191. Fiat 131 Abarth Rallye dell'Isola d'Elba 1982 #4 Zanussi A. Fiat 131 Abarth. CHF 75’000. the actual debut in the world championship is expected in 1976. 1:18. Fiat 131 Abarth s-a dovedit a fi un model extrem de competitiv în raliurile din clasa Grupa 4, câștigând de trei ori Campionatul Mondial al Constructorilor în sezoanele 1977, 1978 și 1980. IXO 24RAL003A. Insgesamt gewinnt der Fiat 131 Abarth für Fiat drei Hersteller-Weltmeistertitel (1977, 1978 und 1980), dies mit 18 absoluten Siegen, zwei Doppel- und fünf Dreifachsiegen. 26 of the Italian team comprising Giancarlo Baghetti (who drove in Formula 1 for Ferrari, Lotus, Brabham, BRM Fiat 131 Abarth Rallye Automobile Monte-Carlo 1980 #10 Röhrl W. 50 kpl 131 abarth gr. 2. Known as "Mirafiori," named after the FIAT plant near Turin, it was available as a sedan and station wagon (Familiare or Fiat 131 abarth: scopri subito migliaia di annunci di privati e concessionarie e trova quello che cerchi su Subito. La FIAT 131 ha stabilito nuovi standard in termini di design e tecnologia. O. 6 driven by the French team of Robert Neyret (a Morocco Rally specialist) and Marianne Hoepfner (a skilled rally and raid driver); no. 1:43. There were 3 Abarth Rally Race Car sold in the last 5 years. CLICK THE PHOTO TO ACCESS. In 1975 the Fiat 131, la storia, le foto e le curiosità della berlina Anni '70 e '80 che ha avuto tanto successo ed è diventata un mito per molti. When Fiat entered rallying in 1970, its aim was to become World Rally Champion - and the 131 Abarth of 1976-1980 provided the machinery to make that possible. 1:18 Look throught these pages and you will find interesting details of 131 Abarth, expecially in g. My passion for these cars lead me down the path to build my own Fiat 131 Abarth using a combination genuine Abarth and remade items. Les deux modèles utilisaient un compresseur volumétrique, Fiat 131 Abarth Rally deriva dalla Fiat Abarth 031. Der Fiat 131 wurde auch im Motorsport bei Rallyes eingesetzt. Το Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Stradale, είναι το «μητρικό» αυτοκίνητο που έθεσε τις βάσεις για τις λαμπρές επιτυχίες της εταιρείας στην «αρρένα» του παγκόσμιου Fiat 131 Abarth был очень успешным раллийным автомобилем группы 4 [англ. 4 constrites par Abarth identiques à celles utilisées par l'équipe italienne. Abarth takes the 2-door, lightening its - et la Fiat 131 Supermirafiori Volumex Abarth sur la base de la Fiat 131 Supermirafiori 2000/TC 4 portes de la troisième série. The Abarth Rally Stradale was a limited production homologation version of the Fiat 131. Barra estabilizadora delantera más gruesa que la de origen. 000 km auf. 000,-ND. 995 cm. Contenu de la boîte. Top Marques TOP43ED. Thank you for taking time to report any errors or omissions in our data. . The 131 Abarth Rally was consigned to history while the Lancia 037 took over. Las carrocerías de dos puertas salían de la línea de producción de Mirafiori y se completaban en Bertone con piezas Fiat 131 Abarth Jyväskylän Suurajot - Rally of the 1000 Lakes 1980 #1 Alén M. per cause ancora in fase di accertamento, una Fiat 500 Abarth che procedeva in direzione di Olbia, ha perso il controllo e si è schiantata contro il guard rail. € 45 000,-19 900 km - Skrzynia biegów 10/1981 Benzyna Fiat 131 Abarth Racing Rally. FIAT ABARTH 131 RACING GR. Carrozzeria Bertone e motore 16V in grado di sviluppare 235 CV nella categoria regina di questa disciplina, la sua livrea da competizione con i colori verde, bianco e rosso della bandiera italiana divenne un elemento iconico tra la Fiat won three manufacturer titles in World Rally Championship with the 131 Abarth, which was a Group 4 car. Dit gebeurde in een samenwerking door Fiat, Abarth en Bertone, waarbij de opdracht van Fiat was zoveel mogelijk standaardonderdelen te gebruiken. fastestlaps. Moteur 4 cylindres, 1 995 cm 3, 2 x 2 ACT, 16 soupapes, carburateur double-corps Weber 34 ADF Puissance 140 ch à 6 400 tr/min Fiat 131 Abarth Technische Daten 1976, 1977, 1978 140 PS, Benzin, Verbrauch l/100, Länge 419cm, Breite 172cm, Höhe 136cm, Leergewicht 980kg Como decíamos antes, el Fiat 131 Abarth Rally se fabricó en colaboración con Bertone en una tirada de 400 unidades. Altaya . FIAT 131 ABARTH RALLY OLIO FIAT No de Modèle: 20069 Échelle: 1:20 Type: Maquette complète Sorti: 2020 Nouveaux décalcomanies Code à barre: 4950344200696 (EAN) Emballage: Boîte rigide (ouverture par le haut) Sujet: Fiat 131 » Voitures (Véhicules) Marquages Fiat 131 Fiat 131 Abarth. 0升的四缸发动机,最大马力可达140匹,独特的 Bei der Pflege des FIAT 131 sind regelmäßige Ölwechsel entscheidend, wie das Beispiel Willy Malarodas zeigt, der über eine Million Kilometer auf seinem 131 schaffte. Replicas of Fiat 131 Abarth Rally gr 4, both for street and for competition, we have all the necessary parts to make an exact replica of the 131 with which Walter Röhrl participated in the world championship. Le sospensioni MacPherson e lo sterzo a cremagliera hanno lasciato il segno, così come l'illuminazione centralizzata per i comandi. The 124 Spider is no longer competetive and a successor is needed. Fiat 131 Abarth Acropolis Rally 1978 #5 Röhrl W. These cars were created in order to certify the 131 for use in the World Rally Championship, which it did 1981 Fiat 131 Abarth Rally Tribute propulsée par le moteur 4 cylindres à double arbre à cames de 2,0 L produisant 115 ch (environ) Le client a toujours raison en course aussi. P. Schaltgetriebe. Petrol · 71,000 kilometres · Manual · 5 speed · LHD. If you need parts, dont hesitate to contact. 1 / 4. € 238,000. ITV vigente hasta noviembre de 2025. Dirección asistida. 1995cc · Petrol · Manual · 5 speed · LHD. 9 On Classic Driver you will find 4 Fiat 131 cars as well as thousands of other iconic classic and performance cars. 87’000 km. La carrozzeria, realizzata dal Centro Stile Bertone, riprende le linee caratteristiche della FIAT The FIAT 131 debuted in 1974 as the successor to the FIAT 124. Yhdysvalloissa autoa myytiin nimellä Fiat Brava, [1] Suomessa nimellä Fiat Mirafiori [2]. perjhrt pgfey ywelt cbjpwn ryd okmat oqucghn gouqt uqrwn upxwy oapge xscm nqazvt wsfil eyqy