Pentlandite is ore of. This nickel reacts with the pyrrhotite .
Pentlandite is ore of These cracks do not require any tectonic stress. Request PDF | On May 2, 2019, V. flotation of pentlandite containing ore W. The tenacity of hydrophilic calcium species in the latter case is believed to be counteracted by a greater activation potential (e. After summing up compositional data, main properties and optical parameters, the presentation follows a systematic scheme to facilitate consultation and In batch tests on an ore containing pentlandite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and talc the procedure rejected 57% of the iron sulphides and 98% of the talc and recovered 81% of the nickel in a concentrate assaying 16. Keith and crushed to a size of 2. The mafic or ultramafic host silicates associated with the sulfide mineralisation commonly exhibit a complex assemblage of magnesium bearing silicates, many of which themselves contain DOI: 10. This kind of Pentlandite is also the principal ore mineral won from Kambalda type komatiitic nickel ore deposits, the type examples of which are in the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. In copper-nickel sulfide ores, pyrrhotite often exists in the form of nickel-containing pyrrhotite, which is associated or closely symbiotic with pentlandite, resulting in the similarity of the nature of pyrrhotite and pentlandite. Initial samples were prepared by crushing and milling a solid piece of pentlandite-bearing ore and then used in The distribution of highly siderophile elements is used in the study of a wide variety of geological topics, from planet formation and evolution to the formation of ore deposits. © John Betts - Fine Minerals Pentlandite, a nickel and iron sulfide mineral, the chief source of nickel. Keith pentlandite ore was studied in de-ionised water, and bore The pentlandite ore sample with 0. (2014) for the Bushveld Complex (Merensky Reef, Platreef and GNPA member), Barnes et al. pn), as seen with optical, reflected light microscopy. To Based on today ’ s prices, Ni sulfide ore with Ni content of 2– 5 wt% is considered as high-grade ore, while ore with Ni content of 0. 0 12. Among the samples, there are some of the most studied world-class Ni-Cu- (Aguablanca, Duluth, Jinchuan, Noril’sk-Talnakh Pentlandite Group. 2010. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis indicated that oxidation occurred on both fine Pentlandite Group. Associated minerals are Introduction Different sulphide ores respond differently in the prospect of copper activation to thiols for froth flotation. (2003) +2 other pentlandite in the ore occurs as exsolutions in the pyrrhotite and the grain sizes ranges from 8 to 38µm. Cobaltpentlandite-Pentlandite Series. MINENG. Nickel ore (possibly pentlandite or nickeline)vein in a core collected from the lower main ore body, an Inco Mine (unknown), Sudbury District, Ontario Canada. In this research, the heap leaching phenomena of a pyrrhotite-rich pentlandite ore was investigated for the first 150 days of operation in order to understand the phenomena taking place in the early phase of leaching in an industrial scale heap. In this research, the heap leaching phenomena of a pyrrhotite-rich pentlandite ore was investigated for the first 150 days of operation in order to understand the phenomena taking place in the early phase of leaching in an industrial scale The influence of ore mineralogy and ore texture on flotation response was studied for 29 samples from the main mineralised zone at Pit 3 of the Nkomati Ni mine, through laboratory scale flotation Due to decreasing ore grades and increasingly complex ore bodies, the heap leaching of sulfide ores is of increasing interest. 09. (2003) ⓘ Xiezuoping ore block [Pentlandite] Xieyan Song et al. Af. 56 % Fe Nickel 34. 6% Ni, 41. Pentlandite is the main nickel mineral with small amounts of millerite, violarite and heazlewoodite while chrysotile, antigorite and lizardite are the main serpentine minerals. experimental investigation. This experimental work has been combined with the examination of the compositions and textures PYRRHOTINE-PENTLANDITE ORE TEXTURES 455 ot%Ni 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 52~a~ 300~ S 49 48 at%Ni --p Composition5 in the iron - rich MSS and 10entlandite fields plotted as S at~ vs Ni at% (lhe pentlandite field is shifted 10 at% Ni towards the Fe-S join) Pentlandite Discovered in 1856, this mineral was named after J. ⓘ Daqiangyanwo ore block [Pentlandite] Xieyan Song et al. from publication: Assessment of Eco-Hazard of Copper–Nickel Ore This holds the potential to produce the best overall pentlandite liberation, nickel grades, recoveries from blending the MMZ and PCMZ ore types, and milling the composite ore at a target grind of Pentlandite is the dominant Ni-hosting ore mineral in most magmatic sulfide deposits and has conventionally been interpreted as being entirely generated by solid-state exsolution from the high-temperature Pyrrhotite is found with pentlandite in basic igneous rocks, veins, and metamorphic rocks. This article is a disambiguation page for Pentlandite Ore. For Pn 25%CB, a preferential incorporation of Ni into the other-wise unaffected pentlandite lattice was observed indicating Fig. It is found in masses nearly always associated with the iron sulfide pyrrhotite. Flotation kinetics of pentlandite and violarite contained in copper–nickel ores and the effect of crystallochemical peculiarities of the minerals on their flotation features are studied. This experimental work has been combined with the examination of the In view of this, a process mineralogy investigation was conducted on thirteen mineralogically and texturally different nickel-sulfide ores from the Nkomati Nickel Mine, with a view on the influence of grind size on the flotation The natural pentlandite ore contains considerable amounts of silicates in the structure. Ngobeni and G. 6 76. 66 Ni, and 44. Pentlandite is an iron–nickel sulfide with the chemical formula (Fe,Ni)9S8. (2003) ⓘ Zhengziyanwo ore block [Pentlandite] Xieyan Song et al. 2 Pentlandite-pyrrhotite separation. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Palladium and rhodium are the PGEs contained mostly in pentlandite (Peyerl, 1983, Cabri, 1992, Godel et al. A large-scale investigation into the effect of increased aeration on heap leaching of a pyrrhotite-rich pentlandite ore was commenced at the Terrafame mine in Finland. Occurrence: Commonly intimately associated with pyrrhotite; in ultramafic rocks and perhaps derived from them by magmatic segregation; also found in Chemistry: (Fe, Ni) 9 S 8, Iron Nickel Sulfide. 1981; Nickel, Ross, and Thornber 1974) and can be economically important during the mining of some massive nickel sulfide ores. Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) was tested as a dispersant to improve pentlandite flotation in Four types of ore are proposed, each presenting their own processing challenges. It appears as a brassy, gold-colored mineral, having similarities in characteristics to other sulfide minerals Ore source Nickel distribution (%) Sulfur distribution (%) Pentlandite Pyrrhotite Pentlandite Chalcopyrite Pyrrhotite Sudbury 87. 002 Corpus ID: 95608560; Pentlandite oxidation in the flotation of a complex nickel ore in saline water @article{Peng2011PentlanditeOI, title={Pentlandite oxidation in the flotation of a complex nickel ore in saline water}, author={Yongjun Peng and Bo Wang and Dee Bradshaw}, journal={Minerals Engineering}, year={2011}, volume={24}, pentlandite phase were unambiguously con rmed (Table S1†). 3–1 wt% is considered as low-grade ore. Pentlandite is not a common mineral in collections, and few localities have produced specimens of note. Similar deposits exist at Nkomati, Namibia, in the Thompson Nickel Belt, Canada, and a The mineralogical and chemical changes that occur as a result of the supergene alteration of massive pyrrhotite-pentlandite ore at Kambalda are described in detail. 1965) varies from a Co-free to nearly a Co9S8 composition. This nickel reacts with the pyrrhotite Chalcopyrite is the first sulphide to float, followed by pentlandite and finally pyrrhotite, in ore samples with dominant chalcopyrite, or where pentlandite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite occur in General Pentlandite Information : Chemical Formula: (Fe,Ni)9S8 : Composition: Molecular Weight = 771. By comparison, a standard bulk float rejected only 6% of the iron sulphides and recovered 80% of the nickel in a concentrate Download scientific diagram | Violarite developed along cleavage of pentlandite, reflection image: Pn-pentlandite; Viol-violarite. Compared with de-ionised water, bore water increased pentlandite flotation significantly while decreasing serpentine flotation. Scale: 20x15x7 mm. These are: economic grades of Ni, Cu and PGE (platinum group element) in a pyrrhotite-bearing sulfide deposit, with low pyrrhotite to pentlandite ratios economic grades of Ni, Cu and PGE in a pyrrhotite-bearing sulfide deposit, with moderate to high pyrrhotite to This chapter discusses separation of chalcopyrite from pentlandite by the process of floatation. 1 Schematic mechanochemical process for synthesizing heter- a partially insufficient mixing in the early stage of milling. a mineral (iron and nickel sulphide) that is the chief ore of nickel We have compiled the trace element concentrations in pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite from magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE ore deposits with the aim of understanding their petrogenesis and whether these minerals can be used as indicator minerals. ) amounts of pyrrhotite in this way, the concomitant Pentlandite, nickel iron sulphide, is the principal ore for nickel. Location: Frood-Stobie Mine, Sudbury District, Ontario, Canada. 0; hardness 3–4; cubic; light bronze-yellow; greenish-black streak; metallic lustre; very rarely found in well-formed crystals, usually occurring as irregular grains and inclusions; no cleavage, parting {111}; occurs with the other sulphide ores genetically Pentlandite is the dominant Ni-hosting ore mineral in most magmatic sulfide deposits and has conventionally been interpreted as being entirely generated by solid-state exsolution from the high In this work, the flotation of slime-fine fractions of Mt. Nickel is also an essential Chapter 93 describes Pentlandite (abbrv. Collectively, an integrated model for the oxidation and decomposition of pentlandite was built to describe In batch tests on an ore containing pentlandite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and talc the procedure rejected 57% of the iron sulphides and 98% of the talc and recovered 81% of the nickel in a concentrate assaying 16. This mineral is the principal ore of nickel, making it incredibly valuable for industrial applications. 5–5. Earlier experimental phase relations studies predicted the possible existence of a stable violarite–pentlandite tie line, though there has been little field evidence supporting this hypothesis, and the preferred topology in the Ni-Fe-S For experimental modeling of the formation of pentlandite-bornite ore during fractional solidification of sulfide magma, we performed directional quasi-equilibrium crystallization of a melt containing (mol%) 17. R) optimization technique is then The pentlandite ore sample with 0. g Pentlandite, the most important ore mineral of nickel, is the only common sulfide containing metal atoms in both coordinations. 5% Ni. 7cm in diameter. The tenacity of hydrophilic calcium species in the case of the Sudbury ore is believed to be counteracted by a greater activation potential (e. 4 (Reprinted from Agar GE (1991) with permission from Elsevier Science. Many other sulfides, including those listed in the blue box, have more complex structures. ostructured Pn/C materials. However, it does not Pentlandite is also the principal ore mineral obtained from Kambalda type komatiitic nickel ore deposits, the type examples of which are in the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. (2007), and Smith et al. The rest of pentlandite present is disseminated in the gangue matrix. Pentlandite is a rather pale brassy yellow metallic sulphide, one of the most important nickel ores, and a primary mineral in many ultramafic rocks. Core is 11. With the BCL Selebi-Phikwe ore body, pentlandite–pyrrhotite–chalcopyrite co-occur and there is the constraint of fine pentlandite dissemination in the pyrrhotite, so that liberation is limited. Some pyrrhotite contains as much as 5% nickel by Due to decreasing ore grades and increasingly complex ore bodies, the heap leaching of sulfide ores is of increasing interest. Pentlandite is the most common and abundant mineral used for nickel extraction, accounting for over 60% of worldwide nickel production, mostly from sulfide copper–nickel ore deposits [13–15]. 10 S, from which pentlandite and bornite can cocrystallize. 19 Cu, 19. 5S 8 from the The majority of the platinum-group elements in the Merensky ore are associated with pentlandite [(Fe,Ni) 9 S 8], occurring either in pentlandite grains or at the pentlandite–gangue grain boundaries (Peyerl, 1983, Jones, 1999). 8 5. Circles show average compositions of ore-forming . Pd-rich pentlandite (PdPn) along with ore-forming pentlandite (Pn) occurs in the cubanite and chalcopyrite massive sulfide ores in the EM-7 well of the Southern-2 ore body of the Talnakh deposit. Mineralogy analysis shows that pentlandite was the main nickel mineral with small amounts of millerite, violarite and heazlewoodite while chrysotile, antigorite and lizardite were the main serpentine minerals. g. Sibanda and others published The effect of chemical reagents on flotation performance of a pentlandite ore: An attainable region approach | Find, read and cite all The kinetics and mechanisms of pentlandite, (Fe,Ni) 9 S 8, exsolution from the monosulphide solid solution, (Fe,Ni) 1-x S, have been studied by synthesis and annealing experiments, and the results combined with compositional and textural evidence from pentlandite-pyrrhotite intergrowths from a variety of ore deposits in the Strathcona and Copper Cliff mines, Sudbury, The pentlandite ore sample with 0. The Co content of pentlandite from the Kamaishi ore deposit and one from the Outokumpu ore deposit (Knop et al. Keith pentlandite ore was studied in de-ionised water, and bore water with high ionic strength. Hangone Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Chemical Engineering Key words: Pentlandite, xanthate, dithiophosphate, dithiocarbamate Abstract—Sodium ethyl and potassium amyl xanthates are commonly used in bulk and selective froth flotation of pentlandite ores respectively. It has also 6. In view of this, a process mineralogy investigation was conducted on thirteen mineralogically and texturally different nickel‐sulfide ores from the Nkomati Nickel Mine, with a view on the influence of grind size on the flotation performance of pentlandite. 0 7. Pentlandite is found in the form of massive granular aggregates. about 25% of the nickel bearing pentlandite is medium grained and subhedral. Isothermal annealing of MSS compositions with varying M :S and Fe:Ni ratios at 400 °C shows the formation of a sequence of textures which depend for their full development chiefly on initial M :S ratio and annealing time. In some cases, this ratio is skewed by the presence of pyrrhotite inclusions. The two minerals are usually mined together if the nickel content of the rock mass is high enough. Cumulate sulfide minerals include Download scientific diagram | Variations in the average composition of pentlandite in the ore body cross-section, EM-7 core sample (Table 1). In the presence of pentlandite, Pentlandite has the greatest expansion coefficient of all the sulphides, and correspondingly undergoes contraction upon cooling, and as a consequence it almost always contains cracks (black). 1016/J. Ore types presented include medium-and high‐grade variants of the bleb, disseminated Pyrrhotite is often intergrown with pentlandite (Fe,Ni) 9 S 8, the principal ore of nickel. from publication: Flotation of iron ore processing plant tailings | In Sivas-Divriǧi Iron Ore Concentrator 600,000 tons of An ore deposit is a mineral deposit that can be produced to make a profit. It is usually found associated, and commonly Pentlandite Comments: Ore sample of a mixture of several sulfide minerals: pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite. It appears as a brassy, gold-colored mineral, having similarities in characteristics to other sulfide minerals Pentlandite, a nickel and iron sulfide mineral, the chief source of nickel. The data sources are: Holwell and McDonald (2007), Godel et al. , Can. In the lowermost Transition Zone, pentlandite is progressively replaced by violarite, accompanied by the release of iron and nickel. This experimental work has been combined with the examination of the compositions and textures of pyrrhotine-pentlandite intergrowths from a variety of ore deposits. Flotation of a low grade pentlandite ore containing large amounts of serpentine minerals from Western Australia was conducted with process water having high ionic strength. It is also present in hydrothermal veins, but is rarely found in quantity in this setting. Pentlandite-bearing ore, from the Levack mine (Ontario, Canada) was used for the. Pentlandite is usually associated with iron sulfides–pyrite (FeS2) and pyrhotite (Fe7S8) and copper-iron sulfide chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). 20 20. Similar deposits exist at Nkomati, Namibia, in the Pentlandite is an important ore of nickel. The Canadian Mineralogist list of symbols for rock- and ore-forming minerals Pentlandite has a wide compositional range in the Fe-Ni-Co-S system and the Fe-Ni-S system. It also contains minor cobalt, usually at low See more Pentlandite is a rather pale brassy yellow metallic sulphide, one of the most important nickel ores, and a primary mineral in many ultramafic rocks. 21 % Ni Sulfur 33 Pentlandite. gr. Uses: As the principle ore of nickel, a minor ore of iron and as mineral specimens. 5Fe 4. 4 Shebandowan 91. The attainable region (A. 20 16. 4. B. The typical reference air feed amount in operation is approximately 0. 7% Fe was obtained from Mt. Pentlandite is an important ore of nickel. , level of Cu/Ni) and Chalcopyrite is the first sulphide to float, followed by pentlandite and finally pyrrhotite, in ore samples with dominant chalcopyrite, or where pentlandite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite occur in equal abundance. Comments: Ore sample of a mixture of several sulfide minerals: The kinetics and mechanisms of pentlandite [(Fe,Ni) 9 S 8] exsolution from the monosulphide solid solution [or MSS (Fe,Ni) 1− x S] have been studied by synthesis and annealing experiments in part of the Fe-Ni-S system particularly relevant to sulphide nickel orebodies. In this research, the heap leaching phenomena of a pyrrhotite-rich pentlandite ore was investigated for the first 150 days of operation in order to understand the phenomena taking place in the early phase of leaching in an industrial scale In sulfide nickel deposits throughout the world, pentlandite and pyrrhotite are commonly found together along with varying amounts of chalcopyrite and platinum group minerals (PGMs). Thus, all ore deposits are mineral deposits, but the reverse is not true. 05 Fe, 19. The largest deposit of this important ore of nickel is at Sudbury, Ont. Based on the results of measurement of pentlandite An iron and nickel sulphide, with the formula (FeNi) 9 S 8, and the main ore mineral for nickel; sp. Pentland (1797 – 1873) who discovered the mineral at Sudbury, Ontario. 8 8. Pentlandite forms a complete solid solution between pentlandite pĕntˈləndīt , yellowish-bronze, opaque mineral, a sulfide of iron and nickel, (Fe,Ni) 9 S 8. Mineral Group: Pentlandite group. The effect of CMC charge density reflected by the degree of substitute (DS) on the flotation of slime-fine fractions of the Mt. n. 1 1. Important deposits are mined in Manitoba, Russia, and W Australia. The metal : sulfur atomic ratio is approximately 9 : 8. We then investigate the effects of a collector (sodium isobutyl xanthate) and a depressant (carboxymethyl cellulose) on the flotation efficiency of the ore. Once extracted, the ore undergoes a series of processing Abstract The kinetics and mechanisms of pentlandite [(Fe,Ni)9S8] exsolution from the monosulphide solid solution [or MSS (Fe,Ni)1−x S] have been studied by synthesis and annealing experiments in part of the Fe-Ni-S system particularly relevant to sulphide nickel orebodies. Nickel recovery was low in the flotation of both fine and coarse fractions. 5% S and 4. Pentlandite Ore. The mineral is also of considerable mineralogical interest since it lies in the central portion of the Fe-Ni-S system, and edsts as a stable component in The mineralogical characterization and possible beneficiation strategies of a nickel sulfide concentrate from a Western Australian deposit were investigated to improve the Download scientific diagram | Pentlandite formations within pyrrhotite. Violarite is a supergene alteration product of pentlandite and typically occurs in pyrite-violarite and transition zones above the primary zone (massive pentlandite-pyrrhotite ore) (Marston et al. In this article, we conduct laboratory scale flotation tests on a pentlandite ore obtained from Nkomati mine in South Africa. By comparison, a standard bulk float rejected only 6% of the iron sulphides and recovered 80% of the nickel in a concentrate pentlandite in the ore occurs as exsolutions in the pyrrhotite and the grain sizes ranges from 8 to 38µm. (1997) for the Great Dyke, Godel and Barnes (2008) for the J–M Reef of the Stillwater Complex, Barnes et al. A yellowish-brown nickel iron sulfide that is the principal ore of nickel. Nickel sulfide contains both and chalcopyrite. pentlandite synonyms, pentlandite pronunciation, pentlandite translation, English dictionary definition of pentlandite. ; Bodø, Nor. Define pentlandite. , 2007). 5 78. PdPn forms groups of small Pentlandite is the dominant Ni-hosting ore mineral in most magmatic sulfide deposits and has conventionally been interpreted as being entirely generated by solid-state exsolution from the high Pentlandite-bearing ore, from the Levack mine (Ontario, Canada) was used for the experimental investigation. 7 Thompson 94. 94 gm Iron 32. Thus, for better comparison we synthesized Ni 4. It is nearly always found with pyrrhotite and similar minerals in silica-poor rocks such as In simple terms, it's a sulfide mineral composed primarily of nickel and iron. Due to decreasing ore grades and increasingly complex ore bodies, the heap leaching of sulfide ores is of increasing interest. 5 9. 2cm long and 2. However, the sensitivity of pentlandite in the Timmins ore is greatly affected by its ultramafic associations and is likely related to slime coating by serpentine minerals. 5% MgO, 0. The majority of the platinum-group elements in the Merensky ore are associated with pentlandite [(Fe,Ni) 9 S 8], occurring either in Pd-rich pentlandite (PdPn) along with ore-forming pentlandite (Pn) occurs in the cubanite and chalcopyrite massive sulfide ores in the EM-7 well of the Southern-2 ore body of the Talnakh deposit. The estimated grade of platinum is likely to be 1 to 2 ppm (grams) of platinum per ton of Ni-Cu ore. This kind of pentlandite occurs along the cracks of pyrrhotite or as inclusions in pyrrhotite. 8 77. ; and Sudbury, Ont. The typical reference air There are comparable structural properties between the natural enzyme [FeNi]-hydrogenase and the natural ore, pentlandite. 58% Ni was crushed to a size of −2. Initial samples were prepared by crushing and milling a solid. It is the principal ore of nickel, which is used chiefly in steel. It is nearly always found with pyrrhotite and similar minerals in silica-poor rocks such as those at Bushveld, S. It is also often found with pyrite, marcasite, and magnetite. Previous mineralogical investigations indicated compositional variations of natural pentlandite. Technologically, pentlandite is of great importance, as it is one of the most important ore minerals of nickel. 05 m 3 /metric ton/h, fed from one direction of the 330 to 350 m wide heap. Pentlandite has a narrow variation range in nickel to iron ratios (Ni:Fe), but it is usually described as 1:1. In the current study approximately 62% higher air The pentlandite in the Timmins ore was shown to be extremely sensitive to the lime system, remaining completely depressed at a collector dosage that can float the pentlandite in the Sudbury ore very well. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis indicated that oxidation occurred on both fine and coarse pentlandite particles. This similarity is determined on the one hand by the physical and chemical properties of sulfide minerals and the mineral Mining pentlandite involves extracting ore from the Earth, either through open-pit or underground mining techniques. The premier locality for this mineral is the Pentlandite, nickel iron sulphide, is the principal ore for nickel. Under mantle and crustal conditions, these elements behave as highly chalcophile elements, and pentlandite (Pn) is an important host for most of these elements. 0 13. This work investigated the effects of Fe3+, H+ and adsorbed leaching bacteria on the bioleaching of pentlandite. 36 mm before grinding and flotation. Here the authors, inspired by these similarities, use the mineral as a In most documented occurrences, violarite (FeNi 2 S 4) occurs as a product of the supergene alteration of primary pentlandite or millerite. The following is a list of links to pages that share the same title or have similar meanings. (2008) and Oberthür et al. (2006) for Noril'sk, Djon and Barnes (2012) and pentlandite is observed most frequently among the opaques assemblage in basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks, where it may be present in sufficient quantities to consitute a nickel ore in the magmatic sulphide class of ore deposits. However in samples with a high ratio of pyrrhotite to pentlandite and chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite floats earlier than expected, reports to concentrate Flotation of a low grade pentlandite ore containing large amounts of serpentine minerals from Western Australia was conducted with process water having high ionic strength. Pentlandite [(Fe,Ni) 9 S 8] is the primary source of nickel and an important carrier of palladium and rhodium.
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