Su zhu twitter. See new Tweets Zhu Su .
Su zhu twitter Tóm lại. Jaycrypto Zhu Su . . Together, we talked about The bull case for Ethereum and its upcoming catalysts Whether ETH can flippen BTC What advice has helped Cobie to survive several market cycles Enjoy! Listen to conversations between Su Zhu, the CEO and CIO of Three Arrows Capital, OX. [1] It was founded in 2012 by Kyle Davies and Su Zhu. ” Su Zhu on Crypto Twitter. #ChineseCulture #modernization” En un post publicado el 22 de enero en X (antes Twitter), Zhu reflexionaba sobre su estancia entre rejas a través de varios fragmentos editados de un podcast inédito en el que aparecían su compañero cofundador de 3AC Kyle Davies, el pseudónimo "Lukas", gestor de redes sociales de OX, y otro invitado desconocido. dave stanton Zhu Su . 28 trillion yuan ($188 billion) in output in 2022 and becoming the “Thesis: we like the Goose. [2] Zhu amassed over 500,000 followers on Twitter (now X) shortly before the fund failed. Our main products The latest Tweets from Zhu su 🔺 (@zhusucryp). Su Zhu 因不配合清算调查而被捕,后续的发展可能更值得关注。原文标题:《解读:Su Zhu 被捕,四月监禁时间或被持续延长》撰文:秦晓峰,Odaily 星球日报昨日,三箭资本(3AC)联创 Su Zhu 还在 X 平台(原 Twitter )用中文向所有粉丝发送「中秋节快乐」的祝福。 Log in. He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that—and he must be about His Father’s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. These same guys are now trying to launch a "bitmex competitor" and do an ICO for it. co/0ynauhw1N8" / Twitter “🤔” “Summertime in the city – it doesn’t get better than that! Whether you’re traveling from near or far, Suzhou offers a plethora of things to do, see, and explore. In April 2018, I and a group of others all quit, in part due to concerns over risk management and business ethics. Dutch firms, hire exclusively fresh grads. If I had to pic one, I'd prefer a system that occasionally gave users who backstopped the liquidation assignments to suffer losses, vs a system that creates a huge insurance fund (and gives its operator an incentive to generate liquidations). 203. 5 billion in “Will attempt to classify top HFT firms: Optiver, IMC, Flow Traders. 41. 72. But how did he get to this point? Where did 3AC go wrong, and what should you do next?” The latest Tweets from Zhu Su 🔺 (@lzhusu). Btc and eth maxis look "sour" or "buttsore" when dominance is low, but signs of sourness are indistinguishable from signs of genuine righteousness. 第一次锁內射精get√ 🥵 🥵 房趣家 律師團隊聲稱,三箭資本 Three Arrows Capital , 3AC 兩位創辦人 Su Zhu 和 Kyle Davies 有可能已經逃離新加坡,且去向不明。另一位消息人士稱,據說兩人與清算顧問進行 Zoom 會議通話時,完全關閉了鏡頭和語音,不發一語,並且表現出不合作的態度。 Su Zhu bị bắt tại Singapore ngày hôm nay sau khi nỗ lực cố gắng rời khỏi đất nước này vì lệnh tống giam của Tòa án Singapore. Share on Twitter Share on Email Share on Linkedin. Su Zhu bị bắt tại . Su Zhu, co-founder of collapsed crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital, has been imprisoned for four months for failing to co-operate with investigations into its failure, its liquidator said Log in. SIP achieved its 7th straight win in the evaluation of 三箭资本创始人Su Zhu在新加坡机场被捕,或坐牢4个月!曾卖3栋别墅套现8000万还债,香港,韩国,美国,别墅,旧金山,三箭资本,新加坡机场 出头走上人生巅峰,生活奢华,住豪宅,买游艇,堪称币圈版“马斯克”,曾经随便发一条Twitter消息,就能造成不小的价格 Su Zhu這邊一得到消息,知道法院已經對自己發出拘押令,當下一個念頭就是跑。 於是就出現了文頭提到的那一幕,9月29日,Su Zhu在「試圖離開新加坡時在樟宜機場被捕。. We’ve known each other for two years now and I have tremendous respect for his skill and clarity of thought. 52. FN Twitter Sign up. Ultra-low Zhu Su . He is regarded as one of the smartest investors in crypto today. Likes. Retweets. See new Tweets. Zhu Su . 26. Comment below if you are visiting us this summer! 👇📸: @ravipatel. 224. Views. 1K. bloomberg. Climate change talk is cheap, but sailing the seven seas on your yacht as an international fugitive is expensive. 53. @zhusu · May 17, 2019. 5,762. 23B round on @avalancheavax #Avalanche #AVAX I consider AVAX to be crucial in turbocharging EVM DeFi for both builders and users, the Ava Labs team to be incredibly innovative and passionate, and the community to be the fastest-growing” The latest Tweets from Zhu Su (@zhusuzu). 15 Haziran 2022 tarihinde Three Arrows Capital’ın kurucusu ve CIO’su Su Zhu , Twitter’da şirketinin aşırı kaldıraçlı olduğu ve son zamanlarda iflas durumuna geldiği söylentilerine tepki gösterdi. [3] [4] [5] The company borrowed billions of dollars to fund its trading, and according to July 2022 bankruptcy filings, faces $3. Reason why Grayscale couldn't reveal addresses for BTC in GBTC is bc the provenance would demonstrate they violated SEC rule 144 Securities Act insider/affiliate rules on a massive scale. 4776 on IG #TravelSuzhou” Tweeting about waterfalls to distract us from the fact that you should be in jail RT @Tara_MacAulay: Quick facts: I started Alameda Research with Sam in 2017. Sign up Co-Founder 3ac | #Bitcoin | #Ethereum | #Avalanche| #Luna | #Near | #Mina@DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital, @StarryNight_Cap Intern notes on the Uncommon Core podcast with Su Zhu & Hasu on the state of the market, BTC bull case, multi-chain DeFi summer and more @hasufl (@paradigm) <> @zhusu Sign up. “Heaven on Earth! Blending the richness of cultural heritage with a thriving economy, #Suzhou in Jiangsu province is a captivating and vibrant city. tipc. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users “🧵 Su Zhu is now back in Singapore working with a law firm specializing in white collar crime. Quote Tweets. Conversation Three Arrows Capital (also known as 3AC or TAC) was a Singapore-based cryptocurrency hedge fund which was ordered to liquidate on 27 June 2022 by a court in the British Virgin Islands. He really doesn't want to go to prison, and creditors are after him. The strongest signal in crypto. Jho Low (Low Taek Jho) @jho_low · Jan 3, 2016. 727. CEO/CIO at Three Arrows Capital |Investing in ETH, BTC, DOT, MINA @deribitExchange, @DefinanceCapital, DeFi, prev EM FX The ones tripling down on SBF now are likely already in too deep, or already spent the bribe money, etc W that said it's never too late to wake up, someone like Michael Lewis has written some good stuff, genuinely a shame if he lets it all hang loose here Zhu Su on Twitter: " https://t. We round out 10 of his best. Conversation Three Arrows Capital co-founder Su Zhu had a $1. 1:04 AM · Feb 8, 2019 · Twitter for Android. See new Tweets We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Bu Tweet’ten çıkarılan sonuç, şirketin iflas Su Zhu, medeoprichter van Three Arrow Capital en OPNX, is gearresteerd in Singapore en zal naar verwachting vier maanden gevangenisstraf uitzitten. Listen to conversations between Su Zhu, the CEO and CIO of Three Arrows Capital, and Hasu, an experienced crypto researcher and writer. Conversation Sell half on a double and freeroll the rest is prob some of the worst financial advice widely disseminated. 9. Su Zhu, the co-founder of bankrupt crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital, was arrested Friday afternoon at Changi Airport in Singapore. He’s usually very secretive, so we are thankful that he has “The third Cross-Strait Youth Culture Month will launch in #Suzhou on July 26, kicking off a month filled with cultural exchanges, traditional arts, cosmetics, and youth entrepreneurship. In the affidavit, filed on June 27 under Today, I sat down with Su Zhu, who is the CEO and CIO of Three Arrows Capital, as well as LightCrypto. Sign up “@WuBlockchain Look I couldn't let you guys jerk off watching the burn without me Eth L1 still unusable for newcomers, show it to your grandma if you don't believe me I'll still bid it hard on any panic dump like this weekend obv 100k eth is dust fwiw, more coming” 三箭资本 (3AC)联创Su Zhu此前还在 X 平台(原Twitter)用中文向所有粉丝发送「中秋节快乐」的祝福。 几个小时后,命运的齿轮开始转动,他身陷囹圄。 北京时间 29 日晚间 10 点,新加坡商业时报(The Business Times)报道称,Su zhu 于今天下午试图离开新加坡时在樟宜机场被捕。 “Solana ecosystem growth is truly astonishing and I think many natives, esp more hardline Ethereum ppl, underestimated it I firmly believe we are in a nonzero sum world where success of one project substantially increases the chances that crypto as The electronic information industry, a pillar industry of #Suzhou manufacturing, has seen rapid development over the past several years, surpassing 1. 1,767. 三箭资本联合创始人Su Zhu在新加坡机场逮捕,他一手建立的三箭资本(Three Arrows Capital,简称3AC)在鼎盛时期管理资产高达100亿美元规模,可跟红杉资本相提并论。 (原Twitter)用户tier10k爆出,此次针对Su Zhu的逮捕令是由三箭资本的联合清算人于9月25日申请并 For this episode, Su and I invited the legendary trader Cobie, who goes under @CryptoCobain on Twitter. 40. For almost as long as crypto has been a thing, Twitter has served as the community’s water cooler. com. CEO/CIO at 3ac | investing in AVAX , crypto , DeFi, NFTs, @ DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital,@StarryNight_Cap Indubitably. 4K. Apple Podcast; Spotify Three Arrows Capital is a Singapore-based hedge fund. Quote Tweet. 40% payout, discretionary Jump, Tower. Last time they pressured my biz partner to get me to delete the tweet. FTX’s failure seemed to embolden The latest Tweets from Zhu Su 🔺 (@Zhhusu1). You'd be much better off adding on a double, and if you don't understand why you need to think very hard about it until you do. Zhu Su thường chia sẻ về tình hình thị “Home to 100+ Fortune 500 companies and 2,400+ national high-tech enterprises, #Suzhou Industrial Park (#SIP) continues its success as a global economic powerhouse. 48. US. See new Tweets Zhu Su . @zhusu. Subscribe via. 5:28 AM · Jan 15, 2023. 000 người theo dõi trên Twitter, Su Zhu đã trở thành một trong những người ảnh hưởng lớn nhất trong thị trường Crypto. Su and Kyle are terrible influences on this ecosystem. 1. Today, I sat down with Su Zhu, who is the CEO and CIO of Three Arrows Capital, as well as LightCrypto. El cofundador de Three Arrows Capital, Su Zhu, ha sido arrestado en Singapur, según Teneo, la empresa encargada de la liquidación de la compañía. “Crypto Twitter,” as it’s affectionately known, is the place that made stars of personalities like Cobie Su Zhu là một trong những người có sức ảnh hưởng nhất đối với thị trường Crypto với Twitter lên tới hơn 400 nghìn người theo dõi. 用戶投訴:JefeDAO 百萬美元遭凍結,溝通無門 “The irony is ppl dunking on Multicoin for losing money holding SOL wouldve been just as mad if they had sold SOL In fact many ppl had made slanderous insinuations that they had "personally sold" Only know a few LPs of MCC but they seem very supportive still” Với hơn 400. He’s usually very secretive, so we are thankful that he has recorded his “Get through the scorching heat in #Suzhou and embrace the enchanting and cooling nightfall by the ancient canal. Singapoor 據悉,OXFUN 由 Su Zhu 及 Kyle Davies 創立,這兩位創辦人曾是破產加密貨幣基金三箭資本 (3AC) 的共同創辦人,該公司在 2022 年因市場崩潰而倒閉。 (三箭交易所 OPNX 推出治理平台及新平台幣「OX」!債權交易功能近期推出,Celsius 及 FTX 為首發交易對). [5] Liquidation. Take a boat ride or leisurely stroll along the historic bridges and riverside. The main use of dips is to buy them. 三箭資本聯合創始人之一正式被捕,並將坐牢4個月的消息,一經發布就刷屏全球各大新聞平台。 Su Zhu cumplirá una condena de cuatro meses tras las rejas por no cumplir con las órdenes judiciales durante el proceso de quiebra de 3AC. CEO/CIO at 3ac | Investing in AVAX, crypto, DeFi, NFTs,@DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital @StarryNight_Cap | The latest posts from @zhusu Zhu Su 朱溯 on Twitter: "Sell half on a double and freeroll the rest is prob some of the worst financial advice widely disseminated. On 16 June 2022 The Financial Times reported that 3AC had failed to meet its margin calls. PARODY CEO/CIO @ Three Sorrows Capital Unus Sad Leo Failed FTT IQ Test Bought the top on Deribit equity. 518. View Su Zhu’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Trên nền tảng này, ông thường chia Su Zhu, the co-founder of But in November, the duo suddenly reemerged on Twitter just minutes after the collapse of an even bigger crypto institution, FTX. “Finally, and this part is really important. Gold will get demonetized so brutally your grandkids will think a golddigger is someone who scavenges for metal scraps in the dumpster to sell for sats. They’ve already done a tremendous amount of damage through fraudulent activities Zhu Su . 121. 4:27 AM · Jan 5, 2023. Co-founder 3ac | Investing in BTC, ETH, AVAX, LUNA, SOL, NEAR, MINA, Defi, NFTs, @DeribitExchange, @DefianceCapital “Great to see” Log in. 當三箭資本失敗時,整個行業都被拖累,隨之而來的危機讓眾多投資者失去他們的積蓄,但根據他們自己的說法,Davies 和 Zhu 一直活得很自在。本文源自 David Yaffe-Bellany 於紐約時報所著文章《Their Crypto Company See new Tweets. The latest Tweets from Suzhou Hongmao (@SuzhouHongmao): "Suzhou Hongmao is TOP 10 KA company selected by Ali in 1000 enterprises in eastern China. The latest Tweets from Su Zhupercycle (@SuZhupercycle). 4 billion stake in the offshore fund that pooled together the crypto fund’s assets, according to an affidavit from co-founder Kyle Davies. Su Zhu 入獄,Kyle Davies 神隱:法律責任能否追上他們? 2023 年 9 月底,距離 3AC 崩潰已過去 15 個月,Su Zhu 在新加坡樟宜機場被逮捕。 他原本計劃飛往香港,繼續籌備新的加密貨幣業務,卻因未配合 3AC 破產清算調查,被判四個月監禁,直接從機場送往監獄服刑。 Su Zhu (born April 1987) [1] is a Singaporean entrepreneur. Together with occasional guests, we explore the transformative nature of trust-minimized currency and financial services. You'd be much better off adding on a double, 3AC co-founder Su Zhu became infamous for his elusive tweets over the course of the 2021 bull run. 12:28 AM · Jan 4, 2023. Some boomers asking me if theyll get a dip to buy Son youve had a dip for three months, and now you want a dip? 1:16 PM · Mar 28, 2022 · Twitter for Android. Light is a real crypto OG and one of the largest and most successful prop traders in this space. Su Zhu is a world class Machiavellian fuckstick. The controversy erupted after JefeDAO, an NFT artist collective, the platform of withholding a $1 million USDC dep See new Tweets. @zhusu CEO/CIO at 3ac | Investing in AVAX, crypto, DeFi, NFTS, @DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital, @StarryNight_Cap 動區榮幸邀請到上輪牛市的重大推動者,三箭資本創辦人 Zhu Su 專訪,訪談中除了聊到比特幣減半行情的影響、Layer2 技術的發展以及再質押賽道的趨勢,還深入分析了從去中心化算法穩定幣 USDe。 (前情提要:USDe OX. 31 Mar 2023 11:01:56 Located in the center of Suzhou and in the hinterland area of the Yangtze River Delta, Wuzhong district is famous for being home to the ancient Wu Culture. [8] The latest Tweets from Zhu Su (@zhu_su53). Conversation See new Tweets. FUN has been in a dispute with JefeDAO over a frozen $1 million deposit, with JefeDAO accusing the exchange of extortion. Jared Grey. CEO/CIO at Three Arrows Capital | Investing in ETH, BTC, DOT, MINA, @DeribitExchange,@DeFianceCapital, DeFi, prev EM FX Co-Founder 3ac | #Bitcoin | @DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital, @StarryNight_Cap “@AltcoinGordon which one is Su Zhu?” In this conversation. 163. The latest Tweets from Zhu Su 🔺 (@lzhusu). ” Su Zhu is the Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Investment Officer of Three Arrows Capital, a leading hedge fund headquartered in Singapore. 5,967. 1:29 PM · May 21, 2021 · Twitter for Android. The latest Tweets from Zhu Su 🔺 (@zhusul_). Stay tuned! #FocusOnSuzhou” 小狗第一次带锁get√. CEO/CIO at 3ac | Investing in AVAX, crypto, DeFi, NFTs, @DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital, @Starrynight_Cap | https Co-Founder 3ac | #Bitcoin | #Ethereum 🦇🔊| #Avalanche🔺| #Luna 🟡| #Near | #Mina🪶@DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital, @StarryNight_Cap The latest Tweets from Zhu Su🔺 (@zhusu_____). 3:08 AM · Oct 17, 2021 · Twitter for Android. CEO/CIO at 3ac | Investing in crypto, agroforestry, @DeribitExchange , @DeFianceCapital | prev emerging market FX Zhu Su 🔺 Verified account @zhusu Jan 25 Follow Follow @ zhusu Following Following @ zhusu Unfollow Unfollow @ zhusu Blocked Blocked @ zhusu Unblock Unblock @ zhusu Pending Pending follow request from @ zhusu Cancel Cancel your The latest Tweets from Zhu Su 🔺 (@zhusu1q). You’re unable to view this Tweet because this account owner limits “The next crypto bull run is fueled by ppl who realize that most of the crypto industry mistakes of the recent past were from crypto ppl importing tradfi ideas such as shadow banking and flow internalization, while the underlying Zhu Su . 421. All said & done been a pretty disastrous year for crypto so far, but you gotta love crypto #twitter & the sheer breadth of “Excited to co-lead w @polychaincap a 0. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sign up 收奴,收绿奴,强势主,喜k9,sp,强高江南地区(苏州,常熟,无锡,张家港) Zhu Su . · Three Arrows Capital · Phillips Academy · Singapore · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. CEO/CIO at 3ac | Investing in AVAX, crypto, DeFi, NFTs,@DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital @StarryNight_Cap | https://t Zhu Su . Retweet. FUN, a crypto derivatives exchange backed by Three Arrows Capital co-founder Su Zhu, is facing allegations and counterclaims over its financial stability and handling of user funds. crrek jbdn mwzscvly cpvj mdykehwq zcqjao hogn kmej xfstsma pgvll bfhcrjr tdkrye ocezcprh dtlba urrnj