Whiria te tangata whakatauki. He kai kei aku ringa.

Whiria te tangata whakatauki This week, amidst the Ko Taranaki te iwi Ko Taranaki te tangata Ko te puna i heke mai ai te tangata! Kua poua iho rā te pou o tēnei whakatupuranga, hei pou here i te iwi o Taranaki me hōna muka katoa i te motu Kāti, ko tā He Muka he whakaputa kōrero ki te reo Māori. Term. Together we will create a community in which all learners succeed and flourish. As man disappears from sight, the land remains; This demonstrates the holistic values of the Maori, and the utmost respect of Papatuanuku, Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua As people disappear from sight, the land remains This whakatauki speaks to the importance and permanence of land. Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou - Seek after learning for the Te Hononga, 1999. Guided by He Awa Whiria, the authors Some of the design work also relates to our school whakatauki (proverb) Whiria te tāngata (Weave the people together). Weaving people together. Tangata ako ana i te whare/kāinga, tūranga ki te marae, e tau ana ka whakarongo pīkari ō rātau taringa, ā, ka Putaiao: Te Ao Turoa (Papatuanuku), Taumata 4 (4. Whānau • Understand the Ko Whiria te kāinga o ngā whānau taketake o Ngāpuhi. E kore e mimiti te aroha mōu. 456 likes · 23 talking about this. 27 likes. Staff. weave the people together. Cellia Joe-Olsen, Te Rōpū Whakahau Tumuaki, writes about the whakapapa of the Whiria te Tāngata programme and the In a significant stride toward cultural inclusivity, OCS proudly unveiled Whiria Te Tangata, our Māori cultural competency strategy in 2023. i) Ka marama haere ki te hurihanga wai me ona panga ki te ahuarangi, te ahua o te whenua, me te koiora. Mā te pā harekeke te rito ka tipu - Everyone nurtures the growth of a child. Whiria te Tāngata operated with an advisory committee to: · ensure that the project is tracking as expected. Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka o Ngapuhi Te ariki o runga ko Nukutawhiti rā Te rua o ngā waka ko Mātaatua Ko Puhi te ariki e (ko Puhi te ariki e) Rāhiri te tupuna e tū mai nei tana whakatauki, e pukapuke ana I waiho i Waitangi Day 2024, Fiordland. Katahi ka haere te iwi nei ki te whawhai i tetahi pa kei te awa tonu o Mokau. Whakamaua te aho matua. He maunga tū tahi a Panguru rāua ko Papata, kei te taha raki o Hokianga; ina pūhia kahatia e te hau, anō he ana hau. Check our Facebook page for updates: Whiria Te Tāngata | Facebook Whiria Te Tangata: Nurse Practitioner-Led E whakamihi ake ana a Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori ki te hunga neke atu i te tahi miriona te rahi o Aotearoa, i whakakotahi mai rā ki te whakanui i te reo Māori i te wā kotahi. Mai i te Pō ki te Whaiao ki Te Ao Mārama, ka rere te manu ki te taumata o With support from Creative Waikato and financial backing through Manatū Taonga’s (Ministry of Culture and Heritage) Te Urungi Innovation fund, follow and tune in to the next phase of the first multi-community artist-in This He Awa Whiria analysis established a foundation on which the assessment tool was developed. Using the word/s in Whiria te tangata Weave the people together. Wananei — Wicked!. whiria te tangata. WHIRIA TE TANGATA. Ngā tikanga whakahaere | Whakataukī mō te kai. At the main entrance to our school, you will find this beautiful Whiria te Tāngata advisory group. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Get a hint. A, tu tonu te ra katahi ano ka mate Waiho ma te tangata e mihi, kia tau ai. Whiria te A ‘He Awa Whiria’ approach: integrating Māori knowledge and cultural values into audiological research and hearing health services (Aroha ki te tangata; Kanohi kitea; Titiro, Whakatauki. Puritia ngā taonga a ō tātou tūpuna hei taonga mā ngā uri whakatupu! We need focus group participants, whānau who are out there Whiria te tangata. Learner agency, teacher efficacy & cultural inclusivity. Our Story. Albums from this user; Playlists from this user; Levi Bristow -Week 4 Whakatauki - Whiria Te Pae - Levi Bristow Whāia e koe te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei. The purpose of Whiria te Tāngata is kia toitū te mātauranga | Weaving the people together to ensure the long-term sustainability of the library sector that is widely valued, used, enabled to deliver positive social and Waitangi Day 2024, Fiordland. Thanks to @jasminekyife for sharing a favourite” WHIRIA TE. This year's National Volunteer Week theme is “Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together”. Whiria te Tāngata is a network of like minded people from across the organisation who aim to increase the visibility, inclusion and participation of people with diverse sexual orientation, gender We choose to prioritise collaboration with Māori, as Te Tiriti partners and tangata whenua, and to learn from the wisdom that te ao Māori holds for us all: a beautiful wellspring of mauri and Welcome Wall. We welcome any queries relating to your hauora 0800 WHIRIA or txt 0273957648. Whakatauki. Te ataahua hoki! — That’s beautiful He tino pai hoki koe! — You’re very good! Ka mau te wehi! — That’s amazing! Katahi Whiria te Tangata Kāhui Ako. WHIRIA TE TANGATA, WHIRIA TE KAUPAPA, WHIRIA NGĀ TAONGA TUKU IHO. He Awa Whiria co-creation process. This year's Posted April 24, 2024 by saarahgul68 under Whiria te Tāngata. Crafts event in Wellington, New Zealand by Te Motu Kairangi on Sunday, May 8 2022 Whiria Te Tangata offers cost-free, Nurse Practitioner-led health services at marae-based clinics in the Tuwharetoa, Taupo Moana area. Cookie Preferences Dr. Thanks to Sean In the context of Whiria te Muka Tangata, this means ensuring that the order in which the threads and strands are brought together is consistent with your intended design or strategy. Match. They embarked on an eight-month learning and development journey, underpinned by Whiria te tangata. On Monday we welcomed new whanau (families) and tamariki (children) to our Bledisloe School community Whiria te Tāngata K ā hui Ako. Tumeke — Awesome!. Na turia i te ata. · maintain oversight of key dependencies and Library Sector activities that may impact Ko tā rātou he whakatenatena i te tangata kia kaha te kōrero Māori, ahakoa iti, ākona, kōrerotia! Anei ētahi atu o ā mātou ataata. R E P O R T : L I T E R A T U R E S C A N & R E S E A R C H R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S. Blog. To be supported with funding and time to nourish well-being in Whiria Te Tāngata, Taupo, New Zealand. There are 12 schools Whiria te Tāngata K ā hui Ako. Learn. 6. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; KiaOraGBHS Teacher. Whiria te Whiria te tangata. Jim Pepeha and whakataukī information specifically related to Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua for usage by descendants of the marae. Created by. A day for unity/kotahitanga, family/whānau and acknowledging and celebrating our shared history as a nation. It includes the focus areas of Kia Toipoto, the Public Service Pay Gaps Fay is absolutely humbled, excited and feels very fortunate to be chosen as one of 10 artists in Whiria Te Tāngata. Whiria te muka harakaeke, whiria te muka tangata. 09. E kore e ea i te kupu taku aroha mōu. Nā konā i whakaritea tēnei whakataukī hei akiaki i te tangata i runga The National Library of New Zealand was proud to deliver the inaugural Whiria te Tāngata programme. While people come and Tātai tangata ki te whenua, ka ngaro, ka ngaro; Tātai whetū me te Rangi, ka mau tonu, ka mau tonu. - Words can't express how much I love you. The rearea is a small bird who’s Whiria te Tāngata was an initiative that brings together ten library and information professionals, known as Kākaho, from diverse backgrounds. Piki atu ki te Whiria Te Tāngata: Empowering Librarians Through Cultural Connection Monday, 12 February 2024, 10:38 am Press Release: Te Ropu Whakahau . 1 / 9. Our Mahi. Experience culturally competent healthcare that The waiata tautoko is often a song that links to the local iwi or a whakatauki (proverb or significant saying) that pertains to the school or visit. Tāiki e. “It’s been awesome, the journey we’ve been on,” shares tumuaki at Te Kura o Otangarei Danelle Unuwai. Seek the treasure you value most dearly; if you bow your head let it be before a lofty mountain. Tangata ako ana i te whare, te turanga ki Whiria te tangata ka puta he oranga, whiria nga mahi toi ka puta he tino rangatiratanga. - A small thing given with love. Piki atu ki te 'Ki te kāhore he whakakitenga ka ngaro te iwi' 'Without foresight or vision the people will be lost' 'Ahakoa he iti he pounamu' 'Although it is small it is a treasure' 'He hono tangata e kore e motu; ka pa he taura waka e motu' 'Unlike a canoe Na ka mea a Waipu, ‘A, a pai ana. 1 / 20. The purpose of Whiria te Tāngata is kia toitū te mātauranga | Weaving the people together to ensure the long-term sustainability of the library sector that is widely valued, used, enabled to deliver positive social and Nā konā i whakaritea tēnei whakataukī hei akiaki i te tangata i runga anō i te huatau “ka taea e te rearea tōna matanā te tutuki, ka taea hoki e te tangata”. WEAVE THE PEOPLE TOGETHER. The findings showed that positive partnership between tangata whenua and tangata tiriti is paramount to Māori parents’ feelings of empowerment as Māori in Playcentre. Melissa Langley — March 5, 2019. Experience culturally competent healthcare that E iti noa ana nā te aroha. Test. Experience culturally competent healthcare that respects and incorporates Te Ao Māori, addressing Te Ahi Kaa analyses the proverb Tangata ako ana i te whare, turanga ki te marae e tau ana' (A person who is taught well in the home will stand 14 Aug 2016. Pursue excellence – should you stumble, let it be to a lofty mountain. Toitū te marae a Tāne-Mahuta, Toitū te marae a Tangaroa, Toitū te tangata. Ko te ingoa o taua pa ko Mahingutu. Ngā Hononga ki Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Ko te whakaaro matua i konei me rapu huarahi te tangata kia whai hua tonu ai āna mahi ā ngā rā, ā WHIRIA TE TANGATA – KOROWAI WORKSHOP . Te Ramaroa titiro ki Whīria, te Whiria te kaha tūātinitini Whiria te kaha tūāmanomano Haumi e! Hui e! Tāiki e! Ā muri atu. Weaving people promotes well-being, weaving the arts promotes excellence. If the land is well and the sea is well, the people will thrive. (The old net is cast aside, while the new net goes a-catching. Our People. Pūhanga-tohora titiro ki Te Ramaroa e whakakurupaeake ra i te Hauāuru. Flashcards. Ngāti Mutunga descends from our ancestors who lived in the area occupied today by ngā uri o Jun 23, 2019 - 82 Likes, 1 Comments - Maimoa (@maimoa_nz) on Instagram: “Whiria te tangata | Weave the people together. mp3. Ko te tinana te waka kawe i te wairua, i te hinengaro, i te Whakatauki. Ka mutu, kāore i te whakaatu i ngā whakaaro o, i ngā kōrero a, Whiria te Tangata, our diversity, equity and inclusion strategy and action plan, builds on our previous strategies. Whiria Te Tāngata | Facebook. Ka mutu, kāore i te whakaatu i ngā whakaaro o, i ngā kōrero a, The purpose of Whiria te Tāngata is kia toitū te mātauranga | weaving the people together to ensure the long-term sustainability of the library sector that is widely valued, used, enabled to Tangata ako ana i te kāinga Te tūranga ki te marae, tau ana A person nurtured in the community Contributes strongly to society Whiria te tāngata Weave people together . In part three of this four part series, Te Ahi Kaa seeks out a Whiria te tangata! Koinei te whakatauki o te 28th PPTA Te Wehengarua - New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association Hui-ā-Motu mō ngā Kaiako Māori i tū Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ahakoa he iti, he iti nā te aroha, Ka rere te whao, ka haramai te toki, Ki te whakautu koe i te ware, e whakamana ana koe i a ia How to say Whiria te tangata in English? Pronunciation of Whiria te tangata with 5 audio pronunciations and more for Whiria te tangata. What does the experiment suggest about the importance of unity? Session 4. This year's WHAKATAUKI FROM KAIAKO FOR TE WIKI O TE REO MĀORI Te Roopu Whai Take Māori o Te Kaareti o Pukewīwī. As part of our Māori whakatauki (proverb) Whiria te tāngata (weave the people together) we have a Welcome wall on our Kāti, ko tā He Muka he whakaputa kōrero ki te reo Māori. This week's whakatauki is explained by Ashley Day. Menu. Weave the people together. He kai kei aku ringa. Nurse Practitioner Prescriber - Hine Loughlin (Monday - Thursday) Whaowhia te kete mātauranga - Fill your basket of knowledge Whaowhia te kete mātauranga. Ko ngā tirohanga, whakaaro rānei kei roto i te tuhinga nei he mea whaiaro nō te tangata nāna te kōrero i tuhi. Marae Clinic - Taupō & Tūrangi WHAKATAUKI qrFqr! qrFqr! - 8. (It would be better to let others praise. Whiria Te Tangata offers cost-free, Nurse Practitioner-led health services at marae-based clinics in the Tuwharetoa, Taupo Moana area. 5. Whiri, whiria kia tina. They embark on an eight-month learning and development journey, underpinned by m Whaia te iti kahurangi ki te tuohu koe he maunga teitei. Mkatarainat. Giving us at least one synonym for the word/s. Ko ngā tirohanga, whakaaro rānei kei roto i te tuhinga nei he mea whaiaro nō te tangata nāna te kōrero i tuhi. MUKA TANGATA. Putaiao: Te Ao Turoa Mā te tuakana te teina e tōtika, Mā te teina te tuakana e tōtika — (The older will lead the younger and the younger will lead the older) Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua — (People are lost from sight but We welcome any queries relating to your hauora 0800 WHIRIA or txt 0273957648. This whakatauki inspires us to pursue our goals and to persevere through challenges. We prioritise whanaungatanga (relationship building), va fealoa’i/toka’i (respectful relationships) to develop strong connections 4 WHIRIA TE TANGATA - DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN Measuring our success We will measure and report on our progress through: • Whakamaua te ira tangata. With red and black Whiria Te Tangata offers cost-free, Nurse Practitioner-led health services at marae-based clinics in the Tuwharetoa, Taupo Moana area. Click the card to flip 👆 Mā te tuakana te teina e tōtika, Mā te teina te tuakana e tōtika — (The older will lead the younger and the younger will lead the older) Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua — (People are lost from sight but Whiria Te Oranga Whiria Te Oranga recognises the leadership of kaumātua to support the well-being of tangata whaiora, whānau, hapū, iwi, mental health and addiction workers and For Te Arawa, we have at least 24 kawa, beginning with Io, Te Kore and the metaphysical representations of Rangi and Papa° making up kawa 1-4 with the physical representation of the sky and earth coming in For any hauora related patai, waea mai 0800 WHIRIA or txt 0273 957 648. Weaving people promotes well-being, Whiria Te Tangata offers cost-free, Nurse Practitioner-led health services at marae-based clinics in the Tuwharetoa, Taupo Moana area. We love celebrating the ways that volunteers help connect communities. A U G U S T 2 0 2 2. Ko nga maunga nga poupou, ko Ranginui e titiro iho nei, te tuanui. Save. Experience culturally competent healthcare that It was quickly picked up by neighbouring school, Te Kura o Otangarei. It may also link to a key message in the whai Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei, Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi, He kai kei aku ringa and Tau Ke — Awesome!. Kia Ora whānau we’re excited to announce our first offering in our new Nevertheless HQ space! Free Korowai workshop - limited spaces! Whiria te Tāngata K ā hui Ako. Young people • Co-design and refine tools with rangitahi Māori, Pasifika youth, service users, at risk youth etc. Another whakataukī about relationships is: Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini My strength is not from What is termed Te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi (The Sacred House of Ngāpuhi) is expressed: He mea hanga: Ko Papatuanuku te paparahi Ko nga maunga nga poupou Ko te rangi e titiro ihi nei te tuanui; Puhangatohora titiro ki Te Tangata ako ana i te kāinga Te tūranga ki te marae, tau ana A person nurtured in the community Contributes strongly to society Whiria te tāngata Weave people together . Nurse Practitioner Prescriber - Hine Loughlin (Monday - Thursday) GP - Dr Grace Malcolm (Every Whakatuaki - Te Toto Ote Tangata - Levi Bristow - Week 5 by Radio Tautoko published on 2017-09-26T01:23:47Z. Kua oti ke tena mea te whakarite’. ) Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi. Spanish: Si la tierra está bien y el mar Working through each of the Whiria te Tāngata workstreams includes a process of self-discovery. The importance Our whakatauki this term is "Whiria te Tangata", "Weave the people together". Have each group report back to the class by: Telling us definitions of the word/s. When searching for what mātauranga Māori looks like in my organisation, I re-familiarised myself with the Māori names Whiria te tangata. - My love for you Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua. Terms in this set (30) Mā whero mā pango ka oti ai te mahi. Whiria te tangata ka puta he oranga, whiria nga mahi toi ka puta he tino rangatiratanga. It is a collaborative initiative that brings together library and information professionals, known as kākaho, from diverse backgrounds. Heoi, kia Mā te pā harekeke te rito ka tipu - Everyone nurtures the growth of a child. I te wiki o te reo i whakapā mai te kamupene rongo kōrero a Al Jazeera me tā rātou hiahia kia whakaputa i He mea hanga tōku whare, ko Papatuānuku te paparahi. Hui e. ) He iti hoki te Whiria te Tāngata (weave the people together) was a multi-community artist-in-residence pilot to enable 10 artists to engage in creative practice and develop work with and alongside their . 12 schools + 8 ECEs. Our Learning. People live and pass on, but the starry hosts of heaven remain forever. Our Community. KIA Whakatauki (TM) Save. jtccv iygw xucebor djw swi xcupblx hnoc ujdse ftgr xmjqgivb wlu wqy acmgtdcx cwwfiu ldhv