Database restore error database already exists odoo. Database Size Limits.

Database restore error database already exists odoo I took a full back up and after full set up the odoo server I tried restoring database backup. I use Odoo 9. When I go back to the old server I can still login so something must have happened when restoring the database on the new server. 2021-03-02 19:16:03,278 7351 ERROR ? odoo. so please advice me to fix this Oct 3, 2023 · You need to use PgAdmin to do the restore when you backup the database with PgAdmin. 2 GB capacity. conf file have IP permission for your application server IP Hello, If you are using odoo online and trying to restore that DB on your local system then make sure odoo online and your local setup have the same version of addons. Postgres is setup on a different server from the odoo instance. Also there is no errors neither in odoo nor in postgres logs. Hello Everyone, I have one database from odoo. 4). Could you help me to restore this database from the webUI please? Thanks a lot for your help! I am trying to restore a backup database, when i try to achieve this through database manager. sql file and restore it will solve the issue . Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 0) is not supported and can cause errors like the one you're encountering. If Odoo is already working in your system, that means you already have PGSql installed in your system. Make sure you are currently on the database login page, as seen in the screenshot below. are you trying with the database dump [pg_dump] file without filestore? Oct 22, 2024 · Restoring an Odoo 10 database can sometimes lead to errors. After all these steps I was able to restore my original database without errors! So for me it was needed to put all earlier used modules in the modulelist of the dummy database but also to install them in the dummy database, before they where able to do their work for the restored database. Tar Format. sh V14 environment, when I am trying to restore it locally after the restoration process completes it raises an error, like this : psycopg2. When i try to restore database backup to another server (digital ocean to test server on aws), showing an error like this, i tried to change odoo commit same as the live server in the test server. PgAdmin is very useful, but when you do upgrades, you must always have the old and the upgraded versions of Odoo or Openerp) properly set up before migrating data. First, upload the backup file to your server, then: Stop your Odoo service: sudo service odoo stop. mrp. The "web/database/restore" page reports two errors (see screen copy below): 1) Msg Database restore error: Database already exists 2) A warning in front of the DB created indicates "DB may not be Compatible". Switch to the postgres user and restore the database: sudo su - postgres. 0c or v10. i'm trying to restore it to another VPS(virtual privet server) and concurrently i unable to restore the database and it's generate the "Database Restore Error" message. Remove 'As integer' from dump. Odoo 16’s Database Login Page Glad it help! if you have large database (more than 10gb) you can increase limit_time_real as much as 100,000 second to let the cron run until restoring process are done :) Jul 21, 2023 · Also has the Database Container the following LOG 2023-07-21 17:09:15. Steps to restore database on PyAdmin. Need to solve this instead of using a new name I hope you did a backup of that Database, before trying to "upgrade", or "delete" a DB and have now a way to restore its information. Then try a second import and you'll get the following: app_1 | Exception: Database already exists. e different server/system) then make sure postgresql. PostgreSQL Version Compatibility. If you're struggling with restoring your Odoo database, you're in I'm looking at OpenERP to see if it might be suitable for my needs, and have been playing around with automated upload of data, which I do by dropping and creating the "openerp" database, reloading a valid OpenERP database dump, and running SQL statements to upload the extra data. Need to solve this instead of using a new name The problem is that the database you're trying to restore already exists. Then then it takes me back to the login screen where the restored I'm looking at OpenERP to see if it might be suitable for my needs, and have been playing around with automated upload of data, which I do by dropping and creating the "openerp" database, reloading a valid OpenERP database dump, and running SQL statements to upload the extra data. Community I'm looking at OpenERP to see if it might be suitable for my needs, and have been playing around with automated upload of data, which I do by dropping and creating the "openerp" database, reloading a valid OpenERP database dump, and running SQL statements to upload the extra data. Create a new database; Right click the database, select restore; Choose the backup file; Data/Objects Tab -> Do not Save -> Owner; Options Tab -> Queries -> Clean Before restore; Restore; Make sure you have copy the Hi all, I have odoo 10 backup(. I tried creating a new database within Odoo and doing a backup/restore on thateven worse, it worked! Hopefully something isn't jacked Already delete the existing DBs and remove odoo with Postgres SQL. conf peer permission; Database user is created as per name mentioned in odoo service config file; If you are running application and database services on different instances (i. 0 databases. I can create a new database but I cannot see it on the /web/database/backup page. Did you back it up manually or using Odoo? In the latter case, the zip file contains the filestore dir and a SQL file which can be restored manually using psql to check if the sequence ir_attachment_id_seq exists and diagnose the problem. yml Impacted versions: odoo:12. UndefinedFunction: function unaccent_schema. That problem wrong SQL some module generate. Check the Error Message. Database Size Limits. Then then it takes me back to the login screen where the restored Sep 11, 2016 · @mart-e This terminology does not meet my common sense understanding of backup and restore. base. Drop the existing database using: dropdb your_database_name. The operator answers within a few minutes. I'm struggling to fix this issue . Need to solve this instead of using a new name Dale, This is purely because your addons contain 2 py files containing the report service code twice. ERROR: relation "base_registry_signaling" already exists. tar -U Glad it help! if you have large database (more than 10gb) you can increase limit_time_real as much as 100,000 second to let the cron run until restoring process are done :) May 10, 2021 · 否则选择This database is a copy,这也是安全的默认选项。 3、点击Continue按钮。 📝不能在数据库自身之上还原数据库。这么做会得到一条错误消息(Database restore error: Database already exists)。需要先删除该数据库。 运行原理… Jan 13, 2019 · The container is running, and can connect to the database server, however when I try to setup Odoo for the first time I get Database creation error: database 'odoo' already exists! displayed in the console. 0 postgres:1 Steps to reproduce: Up the default docker Odoo este o suită de aplicații de afaceri open source care acoperă toate nevoile companiei dvs. This is correct - the database already exists because if it didn't I wouldn't be able to dynamically generate the credentials from Vault. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. If the steps have been followed correctly, the database should restore successfully without any errors. Feb 23, 2023 · Log out of your current database if you already logged in to one. I'm unable to restore my customer db after new flesh odoo installation . The error message usually provides crucial information about what’s wrong during the restore process. Enjoying the discussion? Don't just read, join in! Create an account today to enjoy exclusive features and engage with our awesome community! Sign up Odoo on kokonaisuus avoimen lähdekoodin yrityssovelluksia, jotka kattavat kaikki yrityksesi tarpeet: asiakkuudenhallinta (CRM), verkkokauppa, kirjanpito, inventaario Hi all, I'm new for OpenERP 7, i installed OpenERP 7 in Ubuntu, it is running successfully. Odoo to pakiet aplikacji biznesowych typu open source, które zaspokoją wszystkie potrzeby Twojej firmy: CRM, eCommerce, księgowość, inwentaryzacja, punkt sprzedaży, zarządzanie projektami itp. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Feb 12, 2022 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. The database backup and restoration process is managed by Odoo's support team. When I'm about to restore db it displayed that the db already exists . "res_field" IS NULL AND Playing around with some things involving migrating my database. This seems to have worked previously, but now when I try to access OpenERP after doing the upload, I get the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. sql_db: bad query: SELECT "ir_attachment". i use same PostgeSQL version 9. Can someone help me out with this. It should be in either of these locations. After successful restoration, the web interface displayed very well but when I tried to login with my account, it displayed an "Internal Server Error". Use your DB backup to restore it with a new name using /web/database/manager on the newer version, and validate if the data migration was successful, or if there was any issue between both versions. models. Nov 18, 2016 · db_1 | FATAL: database "myname" does not exist. Permissions Issues: Sep 27, 2024 · To rectify a database restore error in Odoo 12, you can follow these steps: 1. Using this archive format allows reordering and/or exclusion of database objects at the time the database is restored. It is also possible to limit which data is reloaded at restore time. Nothing else. I hope you did a backup of that Database, before trying to "upgrade", or "delete" a DB and have now a way to restore its information. When I try to restore the database on the new server it begins to work and get to about 9 or 10% and then fails and gives the message "Restore complete". sql_db: bad query: CREATE SEQUENCE base_registry_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1. unaccent(unknown, text) does not exist LINE 2: SELECT unaccent_schema. id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment". This seems to have worked previously, but now when I try to access OpenERP after doing the upload, I get the Hi I wonder if anyone has insight on this. i restore same backup file with my local server and it's work perfectly. Whether I try to restore it to v9. If the Odoo interface fails to restore the database, you can manually restore it using PostgreSQL. pg_restore -d mydatabase /path/to/backup/file. But, import process has the next error: Database restore error: column res_lang. If the backup is large, check the PostgreSQL and system settings for file size limits. The database already exist when clicking on "Create database". After setting up a new AWS instance with the new Bitnami image, I have made a restore of the dump-file with the mode "Copy of an existing database". 2. so please advice me to fix this To me, it seems like the database was not correctly backed up. dump. "name"->>'en_US'. But it's showing that Database creation error: database 'con' already exists!. Hi, I was trying to install odoo 15 as I am used to do following the installation guide of odoo. Then, try restoring the backup again. – I'm looking at OpenERP to see if it might be suitable for my needs, and have been playing around with automated upload of data, which I do by dropping and creating the "openerp" database, reloading a valid OpenERP database dump, and running SQL statements to upload the extra data. I use the default docker-compose. and many more! Przeglądaj wszystkie branże. Database created successfully, but i cant get backup, Restore, Delete. I tried to use createddb -U odoo myname before, but I get the same exception. out file. conf复制一份,放到项目根目录下面,即解决,不用设置ODOO权限。 Feb 26, 2021 · When I use the restore function of the database manager from a backup I did on odoo. 1. or. registry: Failed to load registry trying to restore a backup to test server, which took from frond-end (web/database/manager) Hi all, I have setup an Odoo instance on AWS. Problem is that it is not accepting any of my user logins or the admin login. exe file. If you need to restore your Odoo Online database, you should reach out to Odoo's customer support. I have backed up a database from an OpenERP (sorry) - Odoo 7 server. Either you can increase the time out limit of odoo/nginx or you can try restoring using the commands from terminal. 0c, I get "Database restore error:" with no other details. help me Dear Experts, I recently formatted and reinstall Odoo 15 CE, before also it was v15 CE. conf中添加一个配置设置。 也就是在odoo项目的配置文件中添加下面一行代码: pg_path=C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/10/bin 补充:ODOO新增模块不显示的问题,将odoo. SELECT *, name->>'en_US' AS name FROM ir_model WHERE. The logs don't reveal anything either. zip) file from our cloud server with 2. I got contradictory informations : In the web interface two popup windows, first says "Impossible to restore the database", second in the right top corner (which stays 2 seconds on the screen) says "Database restored successfully. addons. modules. I have installed another server and loaded all the same modules. Hi I wonder if anyone has insight on this. 739 UTC [41] ERROR: relation "ir_module_module" does not exist at character 53 Dec 22, 2023 · Check Odoo's access to the filestore path, whcih was the culprit when I had this issue. 5. Then I uninstalled Odoo. What can I do? Thanks Odoo Online does not offer a direct option for users to restore databases on their own. I'm new to odoo, I installed odoo 17 Linux version on Debian 12 online running on a VPS. But this time, I am getting "Database creation error: Access Denied" after a successful installation and while trying to create the first database. Thanks Hi I wonder if anyone has insight on this. That's all. Restart your Odoo Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. we use tar with gzip. hello, I have a database backup with extention . Enjoying the discussion? Don't just read, join in! Create an account today to enjoy exclusive features and engage with our awesome community! Sign up Jul 11, 2022 · Hi Everyone I got an issue by working with odoo v14. errors. barcode' inside your addons-path, you may get the root. Restoring a database from a lower version (17. pg_restore -d database backupfile. Hi all, I have odoo 10 backup(. When i restore database from backup it says Database restore error: and nothing more. I don't know if there are some configurations I would Hi I recently backed up my database from an old server and restored it to an OpenERP installation on a new server. Jun 7, 2019 · I am facing this issue at the end of a --upgrade all after I get the magic log odoo. 9. You can run a DROP DATABASE database_name command that will delete your existing database and then you can run your test. sql. Just the POST/GET for the file upload. : CRM, comerț electronic, contabilitate, inventar, punct de vânzare, management de proiect etc. I have made a database backup using odoo's database manager facility with the older Bitnami instance. Something happened on the server and the db got blanked out! Meaning I would go to the website ip and log in but I would get a blank odoo install for some reason. ir_http: Generating routing map for key None 2021-02-26 12:44:58,000 82281 ERROR prod_2602 odoo. Aug 30, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand I am trying to restore a backup database, when i try to achieve this through database manager. This backup is from odoo community verson 12. Mar 2, 2021 · OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use 2021-03-02 19:16:03,134 7351 ERROR ? odoo. out and then run the resulting file. Use the live chat to ask your questions. psql database < backupfile. Sep 27, 2024 · If a database with the same name already exists, the restore may fail. Or you can run pgdumpall --clean > test. First, upload "name"->>'en_US'. Then I try to create a DB with newly installed odoo and Postgress SQL. Already delete the existing DBs and remove odoo with Postgres SQL. Later I downloaded the database to restore it in the Odoo 17 I installed on local windows machine. Search 'report. Sep 15, 2021 · 2, 如果还不行,只需在odoo. Then select your odoo database with \c YOUR_ODOO_DATABASE_NAME. This seems to have worked previously, but now when I try to access OpenERP after doing the upload, I get the Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. unaccent('unaccent_sc ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types I backed up my db in v9 a few days ago. This seems to have worked previously, but now when I try to access OpenERP after doing the upload, I get the psql -U username -d database -f backupfile. If you already have an existing database, make sure to make a backup of it and Odoo modules. 3. Click Restore to initiate the process. Go to the PG Sql installation folder and find the path where you can find the psql. I'm looking at OpenERP to see if it might be suitable for my needs, and have been playing around with automated upload of data, which I do by dropping and creating the "openerp" database, reloading a valid OpenERP database dump, and running SQL statements to upload the extra data. Depending on the size of your db and internet connection the upload may be a slow process, but at least you get around shutting your server down. wc. so please advice me to fix this This Solve: CREATE SEQUENCE ir_attachment_id_seq START 1; then SELECT setval('ir_attachment_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM ir_attachment)); Context: Synology/Docker - Odoo 12 - Postres 10. 4) into a higher version (18. You can try to create the dump again using the pg_dump command. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Glad it help! if you have large database (more than 10gb) you can increase limit_time_real as much as 100,000 second to let the cron run until restoring process are done :) Name the database you wish to restore. sh I get the following error: 2021-02-26 12:43:17,172 82281 INFO prod_2602 odoo. The clean flag will make the resulting files have the DROP Impacted versions: 15, 16 Steps to reproduce: Trying to restore an Odoo database in a new environment (mainly On-premise, local server cases) Current behavior: Many times the database manager indic Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Step 6: Manual Restore Using PostgreSQL (Optional) If the Odoo interface fails to restore the database, you can manually restore it using PostgreSQL. command and then run the below sql command, alter table res_users add primary key (id); Aug 7, 2024 · Welcome to Fast Tech! In this video, we tackle a common issue: Odoo database restore error. loading: Modules loaded babel is in my dependencies (Babel==2. . Odoo Experience on YouTube. Oct 19, 2018 · I'm stuck on create an Odoo instal with docker-compose. Oct 14, 2024 · The issue you're facing is due to the incompatibility between Odoo 17. 739 UTC [41] ERROR: relation "ir_module_module" does not exist at character 53 Jul 17, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Hope it helps. Finally I re-installed Odoo 17, and during this step I selected the option to install Postgresql. 6 Alpine The backup does not report any problems, but it is impossible to perform a functional/valid restore. translatable does not exist LINE 1: e_date","res_lang". Then then it takes me back to the login screen where the restored Also has the Database Container the following LOG 2023-07-21 17:09:15. Solution: Ensure that the database dump file is complete and not corrupted. Restore the database by giving it a 'New database name' and selecting "Copy of an existing database" for the mode. For example, if you have dump file, you can restore as follows: Restore Database From Command Line Using Dump File in Odoo also with pg_restore command also you can restore the db and manually move the filestore. 4 and Odoo 18. "time_format" as "time_format","res_lang" ^ And this genetares a internal server error pg_hba. Here are some common issues and solutions to help you troubleshoot the problem: Error: Invalid or corrupted database dump file. If I define a new name in the restore dialog, I create a new database from a backup which means making a copy, if I define the same name, I should be able to restore an existing database. Start by understanding the error message you’re getting. so please advice me to fix this Hi all, I have setup an Odoo instance on AWS. Then, I can restart and use the application normally and not see this message anymore :/ Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Then then it takes me back to the login screen where the restored Jan 4, 2018 · Hi, you must have exactly the same odoo sources release for the 2 servers (no difference for odoo code between the 2 servers), and having backup your database with filestore include (backup zip), different postgresql version between the 2 servers If Odoo is already working in your system, that means you already have PGSql installed in your system. Connect to PostgreSQL database using terminal with odoo as user. Hi , The issue occurs when you try to restore the backup from a higher version to a lower version. raeqf fwmvrc fixpqyg zok mdbmssy ypwu aykd wbaqpe cwbuzh tswsb daycah aueiu fgwx djpnvz bdgq